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Welcome to the Gang Bang Club

Welcome to the gang bang club! Here are the rules as listed: 1) You'll be banging a random person with 9 other strangers every session....

Monday 12 August 2019

Hello darkness my old friend

It's dark in here. Oh, I can't seem to move. No matter how much I struggle, I can't even lift an arm. I can move my hands just slightly, but that's about it.

Oh look, I can wriggle my toes and just slightly move my feet, but I can't move my whole leg. Sometimes I hear people talking but I just can't make out what they're saying. On some days I see lights above my head, but everything else is a blur.

What time is it? I don't even know. I can't even move these mouth. I've questions to ask but no matter how hard I tried, I can't even make a sound. Somebody please send help.

What feels like years later, I finally felt my body moved. But all I see are bright lights and vague images of people. Where am I?

After a while it starts to feel warm. It's getting warmer. Oh god, please stop. Somebody, please help me.

Anybody? Please do something. It's getting too hot inside here.

The last vague image I see was the door closing in on me. Is this fire? Am I being burnt? Oh my god. I'm being burnt. Help me! Please! I'm going to die!

The moment of being in the fire made me recall things. I was murdered. My throat was sliced, my hands and feet were tied. My shoulders and all my joints were broken. Acid were poured on both of my eyes. I was already dead.

I was in a morgue. Now, i'm being incinerated.